Monday, July 25, 2011

Fighting The Weather or Fighting My Body?

Well, this story is about an experience I had in the United States doing one of my favorites sports, snowboard.

All the years with my family I travel a lot. Saying a lot I mean traveling to different countries about 10 times at year. Like 3 or 4 years ago we put a rule on our trips. One year we were going to cold places with snow and places with temperatures below zero and the other year we were going to beach places with high temperatures.

Last year we decided to go to California to visit my family there. When we finally reached Los Angeles after a tired 4 hours flight, we could be with our family. We were there in winter season, so just imagine being on the car with a hot Starbuck's chocolate seeing to all those homes that look like toy houses with the snow on the roofs and all the kids playing on the sidewalks with snow balls. It was something that is simply beautiful. Well, when we reached our house there and we were all togeteher, we decided not to remain only in Los Angeles but also go to Big Bear Lake to take benefit of the snow there. We took the trip, we pack our things and we hit the highway. It was almost a road to the clouds! We passed beautiful mountains and frozen rivers, but it was so high that when we reached to our cozy log cabin up there, because of the pressure, our Cheetos bags explode under the seats of the car!

One day over there, we decided to go to a snowboard mountain with my uncle. We got gear up, I buckle my board and got into the top of the mountain. When we both reach the top we started on our journey downhill. I enjoyed it because I love to feel the cold wind hitting my sweated forehead, but I hate to feel heat on all my body and having a freezing nose. All things were fine, we got into the end and we climb the top again and again. After a few ours sun came out so the snow got a lot more loose and it was harder, I was getting tired and the only thing I had eaten was a waffle and one apple. This cause me more bad symptoms like headache, bone pain, and I started to not feel my foot fingers. I was almost on the half of the mountain I thought that I would end the downhill nice and slow, but to control the board requires a lot of energy. This cause me fatigue and a crushing pain on my legs. In one moment I lose control of my moves, my legs were shaking and I fell on my butt. My uncle said to me if I was fine, in this moment mind know that I was having a bad moment, but my body even having a lot of pain was still going. I stand up and keep my way down beacuse sitting on snow it was more cold to my legs. I didn't stop falling all the way down, but finally I was there with my parents. The weather got worse and we couldn't go out because we didn't had chains on the wheels. Then a doctor saw me. I still remember his name, Kevin. He helped me a lot. He gave others pants because mine were wet and cold, so this wasn't helping at all. Also I was taken to a local hospital and there I wait with a awesome electric quilt until my dad got the chains on the wheels.

At the end weather got better. Weather got me on those problems, but this could happen to anyone because weather is unpredictable.

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